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Inline Mode
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > Data Types > Large Object (LOB) Data Types > Inline Mode

In Inline mode, an entire LOB field is transmitted along with the other fields in the row from Advanced SQL Engine to the .NET Data Provider for Teradata. Therefore the .NET Data Provider for Teradata cannot support random access to all fields within the row. A .NET Application has to read the fields in sequential manner starting from the very first field. A .NET Application can skip fields but they will not be accessible at a later time. Conceptually the row can be considered a forward-only stream of data with no access to data prior to the current stream position. Inline is enabled when CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess is passed to TdCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) method. Inline mode has the advantage of reducing network round-trips to the SQL Engine and back. Therefore it is appropriate for retrieving small size LOBs.