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Version 15.1
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > Migration Considerations for the .NET Data Provider for Teradata > Version 15.1

Before upgrading to .NET Data Provider for Teradata version, please note that application changes may be required due to new feature content provided in this release.

Redrive and Recoverable Network Protocol

Redrive and Recoverable Network Protocol (RNP) are now supported. The participation in these new features is determined from TdConnectionStringBuilder Recovery and the ProfileName. If the new TdConnectionStringBuilder.Recovery is not set, the default is determined from Teradata Active System Management (TASM). To disable this new behavior the TdConnectionStringBuilder.Recovery property must be set to Off

In Teradata Database version 15.0 and prior versions supporting Redrive and RNP, Redrive and RNP cannot be separately enabled during logon. This may change in future releases, but an exception indicating no RNP support will be returned while selecting TdConnectionStringBuilder Rnp. TdConnectionStringBuilder Redrive will both enable Redrive and RNP as Redrive requires RNP.

It is possible to logon using TdConnectionStringBuilder Redrive, and after a successful logon, disable redrive by issuing a Data Definition Language query to set redrive off - SET QUERY_BAND='redrive=off;' FOR SESSION. For more information on using setting QueryBands see the Teradata manual SQL Data Definition Language Detailed Topics.

Some of the differences between Redrive and RNP and the consideration of enabling Redrive/RNP may be found in Enabling RNP and Redrive.

TdParameter.Value property

The TdParameter.Value property will now return a String object for CLOB, JSON and XML output parameter and it will return a Byte-array for a BLOB output parameter. Previously, it returned a TdClob object for CLOB and JSON, TdXML for XML and TdBlob for a BLOB output parameter. The TdParameter.Value property now consistently returns a .NET Framework primitive data type.

An application needs to use TdParameter.ProviderSpecificValue instead of TdParameter.Value to return the Data Provider specific value for output parameters. If an application cannot be modified and needs to retain the old behavior, then the default profile needs to include the property EnableTdTypeParameterValue="true" in the application configuration file. For details on how to create a profile refer to the configuration file provider section.

The old behavior is deprecated and will be removed from the Data Provider in upcoming releases.

See Also

What's New in the .NET Data Provider for Teradata 15.1