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Working with Query Bands
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > Working with the Teradata Database Features > Working with Query Bands

Support for Query Bands started with the release of the 12.0 version of the Teradata Database. Prior to the .NET Data Provider For Teradata 13.01 release, applications had the responsibility of setting and maintaining the Query Bands. Any time Query Bands were to be defined or modified, the application had to submit a "SET QUERY_BAND" SQL statement to the Advanced SQL Engine.

Beginning with the 13.01 release of the .Net Data Provider for Teradata, features have been added to enable the provider to manage Query Bands for applications. The type that will be used to manage the Query Band definitions is called TdQueryBand. In managing Query Bands the provider will perform the following tasks:

Query Banding is defined using key=value pairs. The following is an example of specifying a Query Band definition in a Connection String:

    Data Source=tdat; User Id=user1; Password=pass1;QueryBand='Application=app1;JobSeq=11;MaxQueryIssueTime=20';

A semi-colon is used to separate each key=value pair, and the Query Band definitions must be enclosed within single or double quotes.

There is a set of Reserved Keywords. In the TdQueryBand object these keywords are represented as properties. Applications can either use these properties, methods that modify key=value pairs, or the indexer to add or modify the values of these reserved keywords.

The provider uses the connection string to identify the Connection Pool that will be accessed when retrieving a connection to Teradata. The Query Band Connection String Attribute is ignored when the provider looks up the Connection Pool that is associated with the Connection String when TdConnection.Open is called by an application. Refer to Connection Pool section for more details.

In This Section

Connection Level Query Bands

Transaction Level Query Bands

Trusted Session

Reserved Query Band Keys