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Data Types Schema Collection
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > Working with the Data Provider Features > Schema Collections > Data Types Schema Collection

DataTypes schema collection returns the set of supported SQL Data Types for the the current open connection. For example Teradata Database version 6.2 supports Big Integer while earlier versions do not support Big Integer.

Column Name Data Type Description
TypeName String The provider-specific data type name.
ProviderDbType Int32 The TdType value that should be used when specifying a parameter’s type. For example TdType.Integer.
ColumnSize Int64 This is the maximum length for Char, VarChar and Clob data types. This maximum length is independent of user's default character set. For example ColumnSize is set to 64000 for LATIN or UNICODE default character set. For additional information on DEFAULT CHARACTER SET refer to SQL Reference: Data Definition Statements manual.

This is the maximum length for Graphic, VarGraphic, Byte, VarByte and Blob data types.

This is the maximum precision for BigInt, ByteInt, Decimal, Double, Integer and SmallInt.

This is the maximum string length representation for Date, Time, Time With Time Zone, Timestamp and Timestamp With Time Zone data types.
CreateFormat String Format string that represents how to add this column to a data definition statement, such as CREATE TABLE. Each element in the CreateParameter array should be represented by a “parameter marker” in the format string.

For example, the DECIMAL data type needs a precision and a scale. In this case, the format string would is “DECIMAL({0},{1})”.
CreateParameters String The creation parameters that must be specified when creating a column of this data type. Each creation parameter is listed in the string, separated by a comma in the order they are to be supplied.

For example, the DECIMAL data type needs a precision and a scale. In this case, the creation parameters contains the string “precision, scale”.
DataType String The name of the .NET Framework data type corresponding to this provider-specific data type. For BigInt corresponds to System.Int64 and SmallInt corresponds to System.Int16.
IsAutoincrementable Boolean true: Values of this data type may be auto-incrementing.

false: Values of this data type may not be auto-incrementing.

Note that this merely indicates whether a column of this data type may be auto-incrementing, not that all columns of this type are auto-incrementing.
IsBestMatch Boolean true: The data type is the best match between all data types in the data store and the .NET Framework data type indicated by the value in the DataType column.

false: The data type is not the best match.

For each set of rows in which the value of the DataType column is the same, the IsBestMatch column is set to true in only one row. For example Char and VarChar both map to System.String. IsBestMatch is set to true for VarChar and it is set to false for Char.
IsCaseSensitive Boolean true: The data type is a character type and is case-sensitive.

false: The data type is not a character type or is not case-sensitive.
IsFixedLength Boolean true: Columns of this data type created by the data definition language (DDL) will be of fixed length.

false: Columns of this data type created by the DDL will be of variable length. For example this field is set to false for VarChar, VarByte, Blob and Clob.
IsFixedPrecisionScale Boolean true: The data type is a numeric data type and it has a fixed precision and scale.

false: The data type is not a numeric data type or it does not have a fixed precision and scale.
IsLong Boolean true: The data type is a Large Object (LOB). For example BLOB and CLOB.

false: The data type is not a Large Object.
IsNullable Boolean true: The data type is nullable.

false: The data type is not nullable.
IsSearchable Boolean true: The data type can be used in a WHERE clause with any operator except the LIKE predicate.

false: The data type cannot be used in a WHERE clause with any operator except the LIKE predicate.
IsSearchableWithLike Boolean true: The data type can be used with the LIKE predicate.

false: The data type cannot be used with the LIKE predicate.
IsUnsigned Boolean true: The data type is unsigned.

false: The data type is signed.
MaximumScale Int16 This is the maximum scale for DECIMAL, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, TIME and TIME WITH TIME ZONE data types.
MinimumScale Int16 This is the minimum scale for DECIMAL, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, TIME and TIME WITH TIME ZONE data types.
IsConcurrencyType Boolean true: The data type is updated by the SQL Engine every time the row is changed and the value of the column is different from all previous values.

false: the data type is not updated by the SQL Engine every time the row is changed.

 The SQL Engine does not have a Concurrency Data Type.
IsLiteralsSupported Boolean true: The data type can be expressed as a literal.

false: the data type can not be expressed as a literal.
LiteralPrefix String The prefix applied to a given literal. For example the prefix for TIMESTAMP literal is TIMESTAMP' .
LitteralSuffix String The suffix applied to a given literal. For example the suffix for BYTE literal is 'XB .