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Side-by-Side Execution Overview
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > Working with the Data Provider Features > Side-by-Side Execution Overview

The .NET Data Provider for Teradata has been extended to include Side-by-Side execution.  Side-by-Side execution gives application developers and systems administrators the ability to configure existing applications to use either new or previous versions of the .NET Data Provider for Teradata in the same machine. The decision to use one version of the .NET Data Provider for Teradata over another is a decision that only application developers or administrators can make in the context of a given application.

Applications should be tested with the new version of the .NET Data Provider for Teradata and configured to work with the new version before release. Release should occur after the application developer or administrator decides it is appropriate based on the outcome of their testing. The high degree of compatibility between the previous versions means that we fully expect the vast majority of previous .NET Data Provider for Teradata applications to work equally well with newer versions. In the rare event that the application does not work with the new versions of the .NET Data Provider for Teradata, the application can be configured to run under only the previous versions of the .NET Data Provider for Teradata. Applications developers are therefore urged to test their applications with the new .NET Data Provider for Teradata version and, when appropriate, configure their applications to work with the appropriate version.

Application developers and systems administrators should refer to the installed .NET Data Provider for Teradata Read Me and Help files for features and upgrades and compare and contrast the features before configuring existing applications to use versions of the .NET Data Provider for Teradata.

In This Section

Help File Integration

Implementation of Side-by-Side Execution

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