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Using the Installer Package
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > Installing the .NET Data Provider for Teradata > Using the Installer Package

The installer package can be downloaded from the Teradata download center.

It is also included in the Teradata Tools and Utilities (TTU) package.

You must have Administrative privileges to install the .NET Data Provider for Teradata.


The following files are installed by the .NET Data Provider for Teradata installation program.

Location File Name Description
Global Assembly Cache Teradata.Client.Provider.dll
.NET Data Provider for Teradata assemblies.
.NET TeraGSS assemblies.
Teradata.Cient.Entity.dll .NET Entity Provider for Teradata assembly.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 / 2015 integration assemblies.
Policy.X.Y.Teradata.Client.Provider.dll Publisher Policy files for .NET Data Provider for Teradata. Refer to How the Publisher Policy File Works for additional information.
<Installation-Directory> Readme.txt Additional late breaking product information.
<Installation-Directory>\bin Teradata.Client.Provider.dll .NET Data Provider for Teradata assembly.
<Installation-Directory>\Config TdgssNetConfig.exe Creates the Teradata.Net.Security.TdgssExtensions assembly which holds user specified Authentication Mechanism properties. Teradata.Net.Security.TdgssExtensions assembly is optional and is usually not required. Refer to .NET TeraGSS for additional information.
<Installation-Directory>\Help Tdnetdp.chm Standalone help file. It can be launched from Windows explorer.
helpcontentsetup.msha The Teradata product manifest file defining the book for installation into the Visual Studio Help Collection. The help collection file that is used by helpcontentsetup.msha to install the Teradata .NET Data Provider help content (book) into the Visual Studio Help Collection.
<Installation-Directory>\PrivateAssemblies Policy.X.Y.Teradata.Client.Provider.dll Publisher Policy files for .NET Data Provider for Teradata. Refer to How the Publisher Policy File Works for additional information.
<Installation-Directory>\Samples   C# samples demonstrating how to connect and execute queries with .NET Data Provider for Teradata.


The following files are modified by the .NET Data Provider for Teradata installation program.

Location File Name Description
<.NET Framework Installation-Directory>\ Framework\v4.0.30319\Config machine.config System-wide configuration settings for the .NET Framework 4.0 (32-bit x86) are defined in the machine.config file.
<.NET Framework Installation-Directory>\ Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config machine.config System-wide configuration settings for the .NET Framework 4.0 (64-bit x64) are defined in the machine.config file.


For step-by-step Installation instruction refer to "Teradata Tools and Utilities Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows" document on Navigate to General Search and use Publication Product ID 2407 to locate the document. Also refer to ReadMe file for late breaking installation information.

Verify Installation

NQuery ad-hoc query tool (unsupported) is installed with the .NET Data Provider for Teradata. NQuery can be used to verify the installation:

  1. Navigate to NQuery directory (<Installation Directory>\samples\bin).
  2. Launch NQuery (<Installation Directory>\samples\bin\NQuery.exe)
  3. Select "Connect" from the "Connection" menu.
    • Set the Data Provider field to the ".NET Data Provider for Teradata".
    • Replace the X, Y and Z in the Connection String field with your Data Source Name, User ID and Password.

  4. Once your connected to the Advanced SQL Engine, type SELECT DATE in the SQL Command Window.
  5. Click the Execute Button (or press F5).
  6. Result window will display the System Date.

Once you have completed these Steps and validated that the .NET Data Provider for Teradata has been successfully installed you can begin to program.