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Geospatial Data Types Overview
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > Data Types > Geospatial Data Types Overview

The Advanced SQL Engine has 3 Geospatial data types:

SQL Data Type Description
ST_Geometry Represents any of the following geometry types: ST_Point, ST_LineString, ST_Polygon, ST_GeomCollection, ST_MultiPoint, ST_MultiLineString, ST_MultiPolygon and GeoSequence.
MBR Providers a way to obtain the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of a geometry for tessellation purposes.
MBB Providers a way to obtain the minimum bounding box (MBB) of a geometry.

The "SQL Geospatial Types" manual describes each type in detail. This sections shows how the SQL Geospatial types map to the .NET type system.

The SQL Engine transforms ST_Geometry, MBR, MBB data types to CLOB, VarChar(256) and VarChar(340) respectively. CLOB and VarChar data types are mapped to the following Base Class Library (BCL) types:

  1. System.CharSystem.Char
  2. System.StringSystem.String

The .NET Data Provider for Teradata converts the SQL Geospatial types to the BCL types and/or TdClob Provider Specific Types:

SQL Type BCL Type Provider Specific Type
MBR, MBB System.Char[] NA
ST_Geometry System.Char[] TdClob

In This Section

MBB Data Type

MBR Data Type

ST_Geometry Data Type