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Provider Specific Types
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > Data Types > Provider Specific Types

Value Types

The .Net Data Provider for Teradata contains several Provider Specific Value Types that can be used by an application to assist in retrieving and sending data from or to the Advanced SQL Engine. Each type corresponds to a SQL data type and has the capability to perform arithmetic and comparison operations.

Each type implements the following interfaces:

Provider Specific Type Teradata Data Type Comments
Numeric Types TdDecimal Decimal Precision and Scale can range from 0 to 38.
TdNumber Double The mantissa can range from 0 to 38 digits and the exponent can range from -130 to 125.
Date And Time Types TdDate Date
TdTime Time(scale) scale can range from 0 to 6.
TdTimeWithTimeZone Time(scale) With Time Zone scale can range from 0 to 6.
TdTimestamp Timestamp(scale) scale can range from 0 to 6.
TdTimestampWithTimeZone Timestamp(scale) With Time Zone scale can range from 0 to 6
Period Types TdPeriodDate Period(Date)
TdPeriodTime Period(Time(scale)) scale can range from 0 to 6. The begin and end bounds must have the same scale.
TdPeriodTimeWithTimeZone Period(Time(scale) With Time Zone) scale can range from 0 to 6. The begin and end bounds must have the same scale.
TdPeriodTimestamp Period(Timestamp(scale)) scale can range from 0 to 6. The begin and end bounds must have the same scale.
TdPeriodTimestampWithTimeZone Period(Timestamp(scale) With Time Zone) scale can range from 0 to 6. The begin and end bounds must have the same scale.
Interval Types
TdIntervalDay Interval Day(precision) precision ranges from 1 - 4.
TdIntervalDayToHour Interval Day (precision) To Hour precision ranges from 1 - 4.
TdIntervalDayToMinute Interval Day (precision) To Minute precision ranges from 1 - 4.
TdIntervalDayToSecond Interval Day (precision) To Second (fractional precision) precision ranges from 1 - 4. fractional precision ranges from 0 - 6.
TdIntervalHour Interval Hour (precision) precision ranges from 1 - 4.
TdIntervalHourToMinute Interval Hour (precision) To Minute precision ranges from 1 - 4.
TdIntervalHourToSecond Interval Hour (precision) To Second (fractional precision) precision ranges from 1 - 4. fractional precision ranges from 0 - 6.
TdIntervalMinute Interval Minute (precision) precision ranges from 1 - 4.
TdIntervalMinuteToSecond Interval Minute (precision) To Second (fractional precision) precision ranges from 1 - 4. fractional precision ranges from 0 - 6.
TdIntervalSecond Interval Second (precision, fractional precision) precision ranges from 1 - 4. fractional precision ranges from 0 - 6.
TdIntervalYear Interval Year (precision) precision ranges from 1 - 4.
TdIntervalMonth Interval Month (precision) precision ranges from 1 - 4.
TdIntervalYearToMonth Interval Year (precision) To Month precision ranges from 1 - 4.

Reference Types

The .Net Data Provider for Teradata contains several Provider Specific Reference Types that an application can use to retrieve data from the SQL Engine. Each type corresponds to a SQL data type.

Each type implements the following interfaces:

Provider Specific Type Teradata Data Type
Large Object Types TdBlob BLOB (Binary Large Object)
TdClob CLOB (Character Large object)

In This Section

Enabling Provider Specific Types

See Also

How Provider Types Handle Null Values

Numeric Types Overview

Date And Time Types Overview

Period Types Overview

Interval Types Overview