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Numeric Data Types Overview
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > Data Types > Numeric Data Types Overview

The Advanced SQL Engine has 6 Numeric data types:

SQL Data Type Description
ByteInt Represents a 8-bit (1-byte) signed integer.
Range: -128 to 127
BigInt Represents an 64-bit (8-byte) signed integer.
Range: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Decimal Represents a decimal number with maximum precision of 38 but it can range from 1 to 38. The scale can range from 0 to 38 but it must be less than or equal to the precision.
Double Represents a 64-bit double-precision number.
Range: ±2.226 x 10-308 to ±1.797 x 10308
Integer Represents a 32-bit (4-byte) signed integer.
Range:  -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

Represents a fixed or floating point decimal.

For fixed decimals the maximum precision is 38 and the scale can range from 0 to 38. The scale must be less than or equal to the precision.

For floating decimals the mantissa can contain up to 38 digits, and the exponent can range from -130 to 125.

SmallInt Represents a 16-bit (2-Byte) signed integer.
Range: -32,768 to 32,767

The "SQL Data Type and Literals" manual describes each type in detail. This sections shows how the SQL Engine Numeric data types map to the .NET type system.

The Base Class Library (BCL) has 7 Numeric data types:

  1. System.Byte
  2. System.SByte
  3. System.Int16
  4. System.Int32
  5. System.Int64
  6. System.Decimal
  7. System.Double

Notable differences between the SQL Engine data types and BCL types are:

  1. System.Decimal can only support a decimal that has a precision up to 29 and scale up to 28. The SQL Engine can support a decimal that has a precision up to 38 and scale up to 38.
  2. System.SByte is not CLS-compliant. Therefore the SQL Engine ByteInt cannot be mapped to System.SByte.
  3. System.Byte is an unsigned 8-bit integer. Therefore the SQL Engine ByteInt cannot be mapped to System.Byte.

The .NET Data Provider for Teradata has serveral Numeric Provider Specific Types and each one can convert the SQL Engine Numeric data types to BCL types.

SQL Type BCL Type Provider Specific Type
 ByteInt System.Int16  
 BigInt System.Int64  
 Decimal System.Decimal  TdDecimal
 Double System.Double  
 Integer System.Int32  
 Number System.Double  TdNumber
 SmallInt System.Int16  

In each of the of Numeric Provider Specific Types, the number is stored as a scaled integer. Since the precision of a number can be up to 38, it is stored in four 32 bit unsigned integers. (Refer to TdDecimal.GetBytes() for more information).

The TdDecimal data type also contains operations that enable an application to operate on a Large Decimal. This includes the following types of operations:


The following is an example of using TdDecimal.

Copy Code
public void TdDecimalExample(TdCommand command)

    // cost and retail_price are defined as Decimal (38, 2)
    command.CommandText = @"select cost, retail_price from Price where upc = 'upc1234' ";
    TdDataReader  reader = command.ExecuteReader();


    // Reading the Decimals into a TdDecimal type
    TdDecimal cost = reader.GetTdDecimal(0);
    TdDecimal retailPrice = (TdDecimal) reader.GetProviderSpecificValue(1);

    // Going to add 10 percent to cost and retail price
    cost = cost + (cost * 0.10M);
    retail_price = retail_price * 1.10M;

    command.CommandText = @"update Price set cost = ?, retail_price = ? where upc = 'upc1234' ";

    // Setting up Parameters
    command.Parameters.Add(null, TdType.Decimal, 0, ParameterDirection.Input, true,
                                            38, 2, null, DataRowVersion.Default, cost);

    command.Parameters.Add(null, TdType.Decimal, 0, ParameterDirection.Input, true,                                             38, 2, null, DataRowVersion.Default, retail_price);


In This Section

ByteInt Data Type

SmallInt Data Type

Integer Data Type

BigInt Data Type

Double Data Type

Decimal Data Type

Number Data Type

Culture Specific Format of Numeric String

Conversion To and From Base Class Library System Types

Arithmetic Operations

Connection String Attributes Related to Large Decimals