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Working with Parameters in the Entity Provider
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > ADO.NET Entity Provider for Teradata > Teradata Implementation Specifics > Working with Parameters in the Entity Provider
.NET CORE   This feature is not supported by the .NET Core implementation of the Data Provider.

When a parameter has been specified in in a LINQ To Entities or Entity Sql statement, the Entity Framework specifies the following items in the information that is passed to the Entity Provider for Teradata:

The Entity Provider takes this information and builds a TdParameter object, and places a parameter marker in the SQL statement that is being generated.

Unfortunately, the Entity Framework does not provide any direct support for Provider Specific Types. The lack of this support can cause problems for the Entity Provider when it is processing parameters. These problems occur when there is a one to many mapping between an EDM type and several provider specific types. For example, EDM.Time maps to the Teradata type Time and several Interval types. The problem is that the Entity Provider cannot use the default mapping from the EDM type to TdType in some scenarios. Refer to Data Type Mapping for more information on how EDM types map to Teradata types.

The following sections discusses these scenarios and the special handling performed by the Entity Provider when processing parameters that are of an EDM type that has a one to many relationship with Teradata types.

EDM.Time and Intervals

EDM.String and Period types

EDM.DateTime and Date


The Entity Framework tools (run-time or design-time) are targeted to the users of the Microsoft SQL Server relational database. The tools do not provide full support for specific features of the Teradata Stored Procedures. When a Teradata Stored Procedure is imported into the model, the parameters for the function imports may have missing MaxLength, Precision and Scale facets which may have an impact in the execution of the function and its results. The following section discusses these issues and how to overcome those.

Entity Provider Function Import Support

See Also

Simple Types