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TdIntervalDay Structure
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Teradata.Client.Provider Namespace : TdIntervalDay Structure
TdIntervalDay represents an interval of time defining a duration in days. The day precision is configurable.
Object Model
TdIntervalDay StructureTdIntervalDay StructureTdIntervalDay StructureTdIntervalDay StructureTdIntervalDay StructureTdIntervalDay Structure

TdIntervalDay is a .NET Data Provider for Teradata specific type, designed to support a SQL Interval Day data type.

The TdIntervalDay supports the Teradata Interval Day (precision) data type where precision indicates the number of digits in the day (from 1 - 4).

The interval value must be specified in the following format :


Below is the description of each format item.

Format Item Description
sign Optional - . Defaults as space character (+).
days Required number of days (one to four digits in length).

.NET does not have a system type that directly corresponds to the SQL Interval Day data type. The .NET Data Provider for Teradata Version 13.0 and earlier versions map Interval Day to System.String. With version 13.1 of the provider, TdIntervalDay is available to retrieve and manipulate data of type Interval Day.

The range of values for each TdInterval precision is as follows:

Type and Precision Minimum Maximum









TdIntervalDay also supports TdIntervalDay.Null. This is a very important feature. An application is no longer required to call TdDataReader.IsDBNull before invoking the corresponding TdDataReader "Get" method. This will improve overall performance.

A TdIntervalDay structure allows arithmetic, comparision and conversion operations to be performed.

A TdIntervalDay may also be specified as an in, out, or in/out parameter to a stored procedure. In order to maintain backward compatibility with previous versions of the provider (release 13.0 and prior), a Connection String Attribute TdConnectionStringBuilder.EnableTdIntervals has been added. When the EnableTdIntervals attribute is true, TdParameter.ProviderSpecificValue will return the data as the provider specific type of TdIntervalDay. When EnableTdIntervals is false, TdParameter.ProviderSpecificValue will return the data as a .NET Framework Library data type of String.

The TdParameter.Value will also return the .NET Framework Library data type of System.String when EnableTdIntervals is false to maintain backward compatibility. The TdParameter.Value will return a .NET Framework data type of TimeSpan when EnableTdIntervals is true.

For more information on the SQL Interval Day data type please see the 'SQL Data Types and Literals' manual.


The following example shows how to retrieve a TdIntervalDay, modify the interval, and then update the table.

Public void IntervalExample(TdCommand cmd, String model)
   cmd.CommandText = "SELECT StartDate, LeaseReturn, DelayPeriod " +
                     "FROM AutoLeases " +
                     "WHERE Model = ?";
   cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
   cmd.Parameters.Add(null, TdType.VarChar, 10,
        ParameterDirection.Input, true, 0, 0, null,    
        DataRowVersion.Default, model);
   Int32 row = 0;
   TdDate [] startDate;
   TdTimestamp [] leaseReturn;
   TdIntervalDay [] leaseLen;
   using (TdDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
      startDate = new TdDate[dr.RecordsReturned];
      leaseReturn = new TdTimestamp[dr.RecordsReturned];
      leaseLen = new TdIntervalDay [dr.RecordsReturned];
      // Specifying an interval of 7 days with a day precision of 4
      TdIntervalDay leaseReturnExtension = new TdIntervalDay(7, 4);
      while (dr.Read())
         // Retrieving the dates
         startDate[row] = dr.GetTdDate(0);
         leaseReturn[row] = dr.GetTimestamp(1);
         leaseLen[row] = dr.GetTdIntervalDay(2);
         // Adding extension to the lease return
         leaseReturn[row] = leaseReturn[row] + leaseReturnExtension;
         // Adding extension to the lease length;
         leaseLen[row] = leaseLen[row] + leaseReturnExtension;
   cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE AutoLeases " +
                     "SET LeaseReturn = ?, LeaseLen = ? " +
                     "WHERE Model = ?";
   cmd.Parameters.Add(null, TdType.Timestamp, 0,
         ParameterDirection.Input, true, 0, 0, null,    
         DataRowVersion.Default, null);
   cmd.Parameters.Add(null, TdType.IntervalDay, 0,
         ParameterDirection.Input, true, 0, 0, null,    
         DataRowVersion.Default, null);
   cmd.Parameters.Add(null, TdType.VarChar, 9,
         ParameterDirection.Input, true, 0, 0, null,    
         DataRowVersion.Default, model);
   while(row >= 0)
      cmd.Parameters[0].Value = leaseReturn[row];
      cmd.Parameters[1].Value = leaseLen[row];
      cmd.Parameters[2].Value = model;
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019

See Also


TdIntervalDay Members
Teradata.Client.Provider Namespace
Enabling Provider Specific Types
EnableTdIntervals Property
Interval Connection String Attribute
Provider Specific Type: Interval Type Overview